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Superfund NPL Site Management Assistance Program

Who to Contact

Remediation Section
(402) 471-4210

The Superfund Management Assistance Program provides management and technical support to the EPA at Superfund National Priorities List sites in Nebraska. This assistance includes reviewing technical documents and participating in the Superfund remedy selection process.

As the most heavily contaminated sites in the nation, National Priority List sites are generally large and complex, because they often involve more than one contaminated media and have multiple sub-units with varying contaminants.

The investigation and cleanup activities at these sites are organized into several phases, including remedial investigations, groundwater modeling, baseline risk assessments, feasibility studies/engineering cost evaluations, field-scale pilot studies, remedy design/construction, and remedy operation and maintenance.

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) also participates in public meetings with citizens and local officials in the development of cleanup plans.