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Petroleum Surface Spills

Petroleum Surface Spills

Spills of petroleum (fuels, mineral oil, and other petroleum products) to the land surface or to surface water are subject to reporting and cleanup requirements of Title 126 - Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Management of Wastes. Regulatory oversight of surface spills of petroleum is carried out by NDEE’s Petroleum Remediation Section. Persons who spill reportable quantities of petroleum should report the spill immediately to NDEE.

On-call Personnel

NDEE has on-call personnel available 24 hours a day to provide technical and regulatory assistance.


The person who spilled the petroleum should clean up the spill as soon as possible and submit a Final Report to NDEE within 15 days. If the spill cannot be cleaned up within 15 days, the person who spilled the petroleum should submit an Interim Report to describe the status of the cleanup and to provide an estimated date the cleanup will be complete.

Who to Contact

M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm - Petroleum Remediation Section at 402-471-2186
Non-business hours (for spill reporting only) – Nebraska State Patrol Dispatch at 402-479-4921


Download the complete list of consulting firms document at the bottom of this webpage.
(See attached file: List of consulting firms investigate cleanup petroleum.pdf)
(See attached file: Guidelines for Selecting an Environmental Consultant.pdf)



Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
P.O. Box 98922
Lincoln, NE 68509-8922

Phone: (402) 471-2186

Toll-free: (877) 253-2603

SizeFile Name
450 KBList of consulting firms investigate cleanup petroleum.pdf
83 KBGuidelines for Selecting an Environmental Consultant.pdf