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Updates of Controlled Burns

Department of Environment and Energy


NDEE Goodlife
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Updates of Controlled Burns

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, in conjunction with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Department of Health, the Douglas County Health Department and support from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment are providing the latest forecasts and information regarding the impact prescribed fires and wildfires have on air quality. There are a multitude of variables that factor into any smoke advisory prediction: the weather, the number of acres being burned and the fuel load on those acres, to name a few. A news release will be provided on the DHHS website when air quality impacts are anticipated. Additional information can be found at the Flint Hills Smoke Management Association web page Smoke Model forecast.

In 2018, Nebraska DHHS announced a public smoke advisory system which was developed in coordination with NDEE, Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department and Douglas County Health Department. In each subsequent year, DHHS has issued news releases about the activation of the system: "Smoke Advisory System Activated For 2024." 

Updated information: There are no current updates.This webpage will be regularly updated during the 2024 burn season.


AirNow: For current conditions of Nebraska’s Air Quality and tomorrow’s forecast, go to NDEE’s link to federal AirNow web site pages:


Smoke Outlook
(This information was last updated, March 4, 2024.)

This information will be updated as needed.


Daily and Weekly Updates: To view daily updated maps and forecasts in the Flint Hills region, select Access Smoke Model. The Kansas Flint Hills Smoke Management website also provides summary updates that are posted weekly through the prescribed burn season. Click here to view Weekly Updates from Kansas Flint Hills Smoke Management. 

Smoke Awareness in Nebraska: For more information about burning activities in Flint Hills and their potential impacts in Nebraska, visit NDEE’s main Smoke Awareness Page

Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan: For more detailed information about the Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan, go to 

Facebook Connection: Frequent updates can also be found at the KS Flint Hills Smoke Management Facebook page. NDEE also posts frequent air quality updates on its Facebook and Twitter pages during prescribed burning season.