Tier II Community Right-to-Know Reporting Forms Available Online
Tier II Community Right-to-Know Reporting Forms Available Online
NDEQ is providing a web-based, electronic version of reporting for those businesses that are required to submit Tier II reports in accordance with federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, also known SARA Title III. Forms should be submitted by March 1, 2013.
Businesses are required to report the locations and quantities of chemicals stored on-site to state and local governments in order to help communities prepare to respond to chemical spills and similar emergencies. This reporting is required annually, from January 1 to March 1, and can be done on-line by clicking on the link below and selecting “Enter Tier II Form Submission System.”
Businesses who are required to report this information should have received a postcard from NDEQ that included the necessary information to complete the on-line reporting. Businesses that cannot find or did not receive this information can contact the NDEQ Tier II representative at (402) 471-2186.The public and local responders can access information about the chemicals stored at facilities within Nebraska towns by going to the link above and selecting “Search for Tier II Reporting Facilities”.