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Pipeline Corridor Map Books Located at Six Libraries; Detailed Information Now Featured in “Online Meeting”

Department of Environment and Energy

News Release

NDEE Goodlife
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Pipeline Corridor Map Books Located at Six Libraries; Detailed Information Now Featured in “Online Meeting”

Map books are now available in six libraries to provide the public with an additional method to view detailed information regarding the proposed route corridor in Nebraska that TransCanada has submitted for the Keystone XL pipeline. The map books are located in the public libraries in the towns of Springview, O’Neill, Neligh, Albion, Fullerton and Central City.

In addition, NDEQ has developed an “Online Meeting” that presents a web site version of the information that was discussed at four public information meetings in May.

Online Meeting
The Online Meeting includes an explanation of Nebraska’s role and the evaluation process, a route corridor overview that includes detailed map enlargements, Sand Hills information, and public review options. To view this information, go to NDEQ’s pipeline project web site at, and select Online Public Information Meeting.

Map Books
The map books that have been distributed to local libraries provide an overview key map that divides the proposed re-routed portion into 59 segments. This is followed by 59 individual map enlargements that provide a close-up view of each segment of the proposed corridor. Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Director Mike Linder said that the agency decided to provide these maps locally in libraries near the proposed corridor after discussing issues with the public at information meetings in May. Map enlargements are also located at the project web site listed above.

“Some nearby residents expressed concern that some people may have limited internet access, but still want to get a closer look at what is being proposed,” Linder said. “We agreed that providing hard copy map enlargements to the local libraries would be a useful way to provide the public access to this information.”

NDEQ continues to accept public comment. Comments that are received prior to June 15 will be considered and incorporated into initial feedback that NDEQ intends to provide to TransCanada in late June. However, comments will continue to be accepted after that date, and will be considered as the agency develops a draft evaluation report. Several months from now, when the draft evaluation report is completed, the agency will announce a public hearing on Nebraska’s review. Public comments are invited now through the conclusion of the public hearing, and those comments will be considered as the state develops a final report to submit to the Governor.

To find out more about the process, review documents or submit comments, go to NDEQ’s new web site that focuses on the pipeline review at: A link to this area can also be found on NDEQ’s main web site, at