NDEQ Meetings to Discuss Proposed Changes to State Air Regulations Relating to Greenhouse Gases
Issued jointly from
Department of Environment and Energy
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
News Release
NDEQ Meetings to Discuss Proposed Changes to State Air Regulations Relating to Greenhouse Gases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality will host two information sessions on Sept. 15 to discuss proposed changes to the state’s Title 129 – Air Quality Regulations. The proposed changes would incorporate new federal requirements for facilities that emit greenhouse gases. The information sessions will also discuss how these changes may impact facilities in Nebraska.
NDEQ staff will provide background information on the federal rule and NDEQ’s proposal for incorporating the federal program into Title 129. The Department will also discuss the ramifications of becoming a major source, including what effect the new rule may have on emission fees and permitting actions. NDEQ staff will be available to take questions and suggestions.
Both meetings will be held on September 15. The times and locations are:
Grand Island -- 9 to 11 a.m., Midtown Holiday Inn, 2503 South Locust Street.
Lincoln -- 2 to 4 p.m., the Atrium, 1200 N Street, Second Floor Conference Room
Below are draft proposed changes to Title 129 by chapter, a matrix chart that summarizes the changes, and a Response to Comments document:
Draft Chapter 1 | (See attached file: GHGChapter1_Sept9.pdf) File size 75 KB |
Draft Chapter 2 | (See attached file: GHGChapter2_Sept9.pdf) File size 11 KB |
Draft Chapter 5 | (See attached file: GHGChapter5_Sept9.pdf) File size 13 KB |
Draft Chapter 19 | (See attached file: GHGChapter19_Sept9.pdf) File size 48 KB |
GHG matrix | (See attached file: GHGT129Matrix_Sept9.pdf) File size 26 KB |
Response to Comments | (See attached file: ResponseGHGRule.pdf) File size 24 KB |