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NDEE Presents Proposed Changes to Title 129 Nebraska Air Quality Regulations

Department of Environment and Energy


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NDEE Presents Proposed Changes to Title 129 Nebraska Air Quality Regulations

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy will present Proposed Changes to Nebraska Administrative Code Title 129 Nebraska Air Quality Regulationswebinar on Thursday, April 8, at 1 p.m. This free webinar is intended for the regulated community and stakeholders, and is open to the general public.

WHAT: Proposed Changes to Title 129
WHEN: Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 1 p.m.
WHO: Ryan Green, Permit Writer, Operating Permit Section, and Tracy Wharton, Program Specialist, Legal Division

Registration instructions are provided at the bottom of this page.

About the webinar: This webinar will present an overview of proposed revisions to Title 129 – Nebraska Air Quality Regulations. The proposed revisions implement Executive Order No. 17-04 on Regulatory Reform, streamline and clarify existing provisions, and adopt changes to state and federal law. Regulatory streamlining and language modernization revisions have been proposed for all chapters.

This event also provides public outreach on a preliminary draft of Title 129. Once finalized, the regulations will be placed on public notice for a hearing before the Environmental Quality Council.

Regulatory streamlining and language modernization revisions have been proposed for all chapters. The most notable proposed changes include:

· comprehensive restructuring of the regulation format,
· allowing the agency Director to issue Class II operating permits for a term that exceeds 5 years,
· addition of sections that outline allowable pre-permit construction activities and contents of a completed construction permit application,
· allowing for disposal by incineration to include contraband materials from law enforcement operations
· removal chapters and appendices that

o restate contents of state statutes, regulations, or general legal principles
o were previously repealed
o are no longer applicable
o have been replaced by a state plan.

About the presenters: Ryan Green is a Permit Writer in the Operating Permit Section. Green holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering from Kansas State University. He joined NDEE in 2011, under the Environmental Assistance Section as a Small Business Assistance Coordinator. In 2018, Ryan joined the Air Quality Division as an operating permit writer. Following the 2020 agency reorganization, his position is now under the Permitting and Engineering Division.

Tracy Wharton is a Program Specialist in the Legal Division. Wharton holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She joined NDEE in 2016 in the Air Division Grants, Planning, and Outreach section, with responsibilities in State Implementation Plan and Regulatory Planning activities. Following the 2020 agency reorganization, her position is now under the Legal Division.

The webinar moderator is Belinda Fowler, NDEE Small Business Environmental Assistance Coordinator.

To register:

1. Go to NDEE Proposed T129 Nebraska Air Quality Regulations
2. Click "Register.”
3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit.”

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event. For assistance, contact