NDEE Presents Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Program Webinar Jan. 27
NDEE Presents Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Program Webinar Jan. 27
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy will present a webinar on the state’s Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Program. This seminar is for local governments, non-profits and any public body eligible for the grants and resources provided by the programs. The seminar is also open to members of the general public who want more information on the subject.
WHAT: NDEE’s Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Program
WHEN: 1 – 2 p.m., Monday, Jan. 27, 2020
WHO: Taryn Serwatowski, Brownfields coordinator for the Remediation Section, NDEE
Registration instructions are provided at the bottom of this page.
About the webinar: NDEE’s Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Program webinar will provide information about these state programs and the grants and resources they provide to public entities (including non-profits), and highlight some successful case studies. The webinar will be useful to local governments, economic development districts and other entities wishing to revitalize the blighted and underutilized properties in their communities.
About the presenter: Taryn Serwatowski is the Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Program coordinator for the Remediation Section in the Land Management Division of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy. Serwatowski is a Michigan native and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology from Central Michigan University. She moved to Nebraska in 2010 to study Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She has served as the Brownfields Coordinator for the NDEE since 2015.
The webinar moderator is Belinda Fowler, NDEE Small Business Environmental Assistance coordinator.
To register for the webinar:
1. Go to DEE Brownfields and VCP Programs
2. Click "Register".
3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit".
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event. For assistance, contact: ndee.assistance@nebraska.gov