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NDEE to hold Outreach Meeting on Proposed Changes to Title 119

Department of Environment and Energy


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NDEE to hold Outreach Meeting on Proposed Changes to Title 119

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) will hold an online public outreach event on the proposed changes to Title 119, Nebraska Rules and Regulations Pertaining To The Issuance Of Permits Under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.

The meeting is intended for the regulated community and stakeholders, as well as the general public. NDEE is conducting its outreach efforts now so that any informal comments the department receives from the public can be evaluated and incorporated when possible to present to the Environmental Quality Council (EQC).

WHAT: Proposed Changes to Title 119
WHEN: Tuesday, June 28th from 9:00-10:00 AM
WHO: NDEE NPDES Permitting and Compliance Divisions
WHERE: Online

Registration instructions are provided at the bottom of this page.

About the meeting: The purpose of this meeting is to provide public outreach on the proposed revisions to Title 119 – Rules and Regulations Pertaining To The Issuance Of Permits Under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. NDEE staff will review proposed revisions and address audience questions and comments. Attendees are highly encouraged to submit questions and comments in advance to the email.

About the presenters: Cay Ewoldt has been with the department for 13 years. He spent six years working in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits and Compliance Section, four years as the Field Office Section Supervisor, two years as the Ag Permits and Compliance Section Supervisor, and currently is the NPDES & State Permits Section Supervisor. He has a degree in Environmental Science from Doane Univiersity.

Reuel Anderson has been with the Department for 14 years and is a Supervisor for NPDES Compliance in the Inspection and Compliance Division. Reuel has over 20 Years experience with environmental permitting and sampling. He holds a bachelors degree in Fisheries and Wildlife from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

To register for the webinar:
1. Go to Title 119-Proposed Changes-Outreach
2. Click "Register."
3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit." Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event. For assistance, contact: