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May 10 Information Session Will Focus on West Haymarket Cleanup Activities

Department of Environment and Energy

News Release

NDEE Goodlife
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May 10 Information Session Will Focus on West Haymarket Cleanup Activities

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality will host a public information session from 5-7 p.m. May 10 at the Lancaster County Extension Offices located at 444 Cherrycreek Road. The purpose of the information session will be to discuss environmental cleanup work at the West Haymarket Redevelopment Site North.

There will be several booths located in the meeting room, where state staff will be available to discuss several aspects of the environmental cleanup work. There are no formal presentations planned; the room arrangement will allow interested members of the public to discuss their questions individually with NDEQ staff regarding topics such as the Voluntary Cleanup Program interim remedial action plan, the diesel fuel area remediation, and stormwater and dewatering permitting activities.

More information regarding these cleanup activities can also be found on DEQ's web site, by selecting “Topics of Interest,” then selecting “West Haymarket Cleanup Activities.” The direct URL is

The location of the information session is shown on the map below:

(See attached file: May 10 Meeting Location.pdf)

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May 10 Meeting Location.pdf 131.58 KB