Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Application Deadline Aug. 5
Department of Environment and Energy
For more Information, contact:
NDEE's Public Information Office
Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Application Deadline Aug. 5
June 17, 2015 – The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) has announced that the deadline for submitting 2015 Litter Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grant applications is 4:00 p.m. CDT August 5, 2015. Below is a link to the online application process:
Litter Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grant Application Process
To ensure consistency in the grant application process, this online submission format will be the only application method accepted for Litter Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grant applications.
Those with questions regarding the grants and the application process can contact NDEQ’s Planning and Aid Unit at (402) 471-0273, or can contact the agency at