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Information Session Will Discuss Proposed Permit Renewals for Clean Harbors

Department of Environment and Energy

News Release

NDEE Goodlife
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Information Session Will Discuss Proposed Permit Renewals for Clean Harbors

Staff from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) will participate in a public information session in Kimball on April 16 to discuss the proposed renewal of the air and waste permits for the Clean Harbors Environmental Services Inc. (CHESI) hazardous waste storage and incinerator facility. The information session will be in conjunction with a meeting of the CHESI Citizens Monitoring Committee. A representative of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 is also scheduled to attend the information session.

The purpose of the information session is to explain the proposed changes in Clean Harbors’ permits, and to respond to public questions about the permits. Both permits are open for public comment through April. NDEQ will review all written public comments prior to making a final determination whether to approve, modify or deny the two permits.

The Citizens Monitoring Committee will open the information session at 6:30 p.m. on April 16 at the Kimball Event Center, 615 East Third Street. At the beginning of the session, the state will make a presentation to explain the proposed permits and will respond to questions from the committee and the public. After the group discussion, state staff will be available to discuss issues individually with the public until 8:30 p.m.

The proposed permits and supporting materials are available for inspection at the NDEQ offices in Lincoln, 1200 “N” Street, Suite 400, EPA Region 7 and at the Kimball Public Library. The two public notices are available on this web site, in the Public Notices section.