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Dec. 19 Info Exchange to Discuss Air Permit Standard Conditions

Department of Environment and Energy


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Dec. 19 Info Exchange to Discuss Air Permit Standard Conditions

NDEQ is restructuring and standardizing Conditions I and II in air quality construction permits (CP), and air quality operating permits (OP). These changes are intended to unify permit conditions and streamline the CP and OP permitting processes.

NDEQ had solicited comments from interested parties in November and has drafted revisions based on those comments. The revised drafts are located at the bottom of this page.

Based on the comments received in November, NDEQ concluded that more in-depth discussion is needed to allow the agency to further discuss comments and concerns, and to further explain the history or purpose of some conditions.

Therefore, an information exchange has been scheduled to discuss the improvements to the standard air quality permit conditions and fact sheets. The information exchange is scheduled 10 a.m. Dec. 19, 2017, at NDEQ’s 4th floor main office located at 1200 N Street, Lincoln. A toll free conference call number is available for anyone that cannot attend in person. Call 888-820-1398 and enter 9571864 # at the prompt.

Below are the most current standard and general conditions. These are Microsoft Word documents and the “Track Changes” option was used to show changes made from the earlier documents. In addition, PDF versions that include the changes are provided below. To view the Oct. 3, 2017 NDEQ News item that includes the previous documents, go to /news-events/press-releases/ndeq-invites-comments-air-permit-conditions-i-and-ii-0.

Following the information exchange, NDEQ will invite additional comments through January 12, 2018.
To submit comments, you may contact the NDEQ by email “” or by mail submitted to the attention of David Christensen, NDEQ Air Quality Division, P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-8922.