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All About NDEE: Energy Statistics

Department of Environment and Energy


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All About NDEE: Energy Statistics

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) compiles, maintains, and publishes energy statistics on the production and consumption of energy in the state of Nebraska as part of the agency’s State Energy Program.

The statistics are valuable to public and private sectors as they inform Nebraskans, researchers, and decision-makers on energy in the state.

Data used in the statistics originates from state and federal agencies, the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, associations, utilities, cities, and private industries.

The statistics are published and updated on the agency's Nebraska Energy Statistics homepage, /state-energy-info-stats/energy-statistics, as a publicly available informational resource.

The homepage enables users to search for information in categories such as consumption, supply, emissions, expenditures, generation and production, national rank, prices and rates, sectors, and state totals.

As required by Nebraska statutes, the department reports these statistics to the Nebraska Legislature by Feb. 15 of each year.