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Former Brunswick Corp. - Miller Seed Co.

Institutional Controls Tracking System

Facility Name
Former Brunswick Corp. - Miller Seed Co.
Zip Code
County Name
Geographic Area
Lot 188, IT, formerly Lot 93 IT except the north 10 feet thereof, and Lot 189 IT, formerly Lot 170 except the north 10 feet thereof (See attachement.)
South of Superior Street between 27th and 40th Street
Restrictive Covenant - UECA
The Property is subject to the following activity and use limitations for the Areas depicted in Exhibit 1: A. The portion of the Property depicted as Area 3 on Exhibit 1 shall not be used for residential, childcare, preschool, elementary or secondary school, dormitory or nursing home facilities. B. Extraction and use of the groundwater underlying the Property is prohibited within Areas 2, 3 and 4 as depicted on Exhibit 1, except for investigation or remediation thereof approved by the Agency. C. Any new building or structure planned for human occupancy constructed on the Property within Area 3 as depicted and described in Exhibit 1 must be constructed with a vapor mitigation system or any other acceptable technologies as appropriate to protect human health, unless groundwater sampling indicates that levels of Site Contaminants in the groundwater are below levels acceptable to the Agency, with such acceptance provided in writing. Upon request, the Agency shall be provided with a copy of the construction plans for the as-built vapor mitigation technology. D. Any such remedial system must be operated and maintained in accordance with standards for protectiveness of human health and the environment, unless or until groundwater sampling indicates that levels of Site Contaminants in the groundwater are below levels acceptable to the Agency.
Compliance Reporting
Any signatory shall notify the Agency as soon as possible of conditions known to constitute a breach of the activity and use limitations.
Limit future land use. Prohibit groundwater use. Vapor mitigation system required. Properly maintain vapor mitigation system.