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Cleburn Street Well Superfund Site

Institutional Controls Tracking System

Facility Name
Cleburn Street Well Superfund Site
Zip Code
Grand Island
County Name
Attachment Size
Cleburn Street_Mechanism.pdf 218.83 KB
Geographic Area
The outer boundaries consist of the following: commencing at the southeasterly corner of the intersection of 9th Street and Adams Street; thence running northeasterly along the south boundary of 9th Street to the southwesterly corner of the intersection of 9th Street and Sycamore Street; thence running southeasterly along the west boundary of Sycamore Street to the northwestly corner of the intersection of Sycamore Street and 1st Street; thence running southwesterly along the north boundary of 1st Street to the northwesterly corner of the intersection of 1st Street and Locust Street; thence running southerly along the west boundary of Locust Street to the intersection of Locust Street and Division Street; thence running southwesterly along the north boundary of Division Street to the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Division Street and Adams Street; thence running northwesterly along the east boundary of Adams Street to the point of beginning.
Local Ordinance
Groundwater pumped from wells within the Groundwater Control Area shall not be used for any human consumption including drinking water, cooking, washing or other household uses. Because groundwater from wells within the groundwater control area may be contaminated and present a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of persons exposed to said water, any known human consumption of groundwater from wells within the Groundwater Control Area is a violation of this Article and is declared a public nuisance subject to abatement as provided hereafter. This Article shall not apply to uses of groundwater pumped from wells within the Groundwater Control Area which do not involve human consumption, including, but not limited to non-contact cooling water for industrial, commercial or residential uses and watering of vegetation other than gardens, plants and trees producing food for human consumption. All wells for which drilling has commenced or existing within the Groundwater Control Area as of the effective date of this Article shall be registered with the Building Inspection Department by the person owning the real estate on which the well is located. There shall be no fee for registering an existing well. No person shall drill or install a well within the Groundwater Control Area prior to applying for and obtaining a well permit from the Building Inspection Department. There shall be a nonrefundable fee of $50 paid to the Building Inspection Department contemporaneously with making an application for a well permit.
Compliance Reporting
Superfund 5-year review.
Prohibit Installation/ Construction of Groundwater Wells Used for Human Consumption Require Registration of New and Existing Wells Require a Well Permit before Drilling/ Installing a Well