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Appendix A-8: Test Methods 26 through 30B - Subpart Appendix A-8

NSPS Notebook

Appendix A-8: Test Methods 26 through 30B - Subpart Appendix A-8


eCFR Appendix A-8 []

Test methods for stationary sources:
Method 26: Determination of HCl emissions
Method 26A: Determination of hydrogen halide and halogen emissions (isokinetic method).
Method 27: Determination of vapor tightness of gasoline delivery tank using pressure-vacuum test.
Method 28: Certification and auditing of wood heaters.
Method 28A: Measurement of air to fuel ratio and minimum achievable burn rates for wood-fired appliances.
Method 29: Determination of metals emissions.
Method 30A: Determination of Total Vapor Phase Mercury Emissions (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure).
Method 30B: Determination of Total Vapor Phase Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Combustion Sources using Carbon Sorbent Traps.

Date of Original Final Rule
Amendments Dates

09/13/2010 (75 FR 55645)
10/17/2000 (65 FR 61744)

State Regulations

Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.86

Previously: Title 129, Chapter 18, Section 001.64

Federal Regulations
40 CFR 60 Appendix A-8
Regulations and Federal Registers
Page Last Updated