Magnetic Tape Manufacturing
Air Toxics Notebook
Magnetic Tape Manufacturing
eCFR Subpart EE []
This subpart applies to:
- Magnetic tape manufacturing operations located at Major Sources of HAPs*.
- Magnetic tape manufacturing operations which choose to use the provisions of §63.703(b) and (h) to obtain a federally enforceable limit to its potential to emit HAP.
*Major Sources of HAPs emit or have the potential to emit:
- ≥ 10 tons/year of any single HAP; or
- ≥ 25 tons/year of total HAPs.
- Area Sources emit less than Major Sources.
Not subject to this subpart:
- Research or laboratory facilities;
- Any coating operation that produces a quantity of magnetic tape that is 1% or less of total production (in terms of total square footage coated) during any 12-month period.
04/07/2006 - Final Rule
04/09/1999 - Amendments
As of September 28, 2022: Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.20
Previousy: Title 129, Chapter 28, Section 001.29.
Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
NSPS – 40 CFR Part 60
Subpart QQ - Publication Rotogravure Printing Presses
Subpart FFF - Rotogravure Printing Lines
Subpart SSS – Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities
NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart JJJJ - Paper and Other Web Coating
EPA's Subpart EE Website [] - Contains federal register notices and technical information