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What Every Nebraska Business Should Know About Environmental Permits

Do you own a business?

Do you own a business or plan on starting a new business? Are you expanding, installing new equipment or making changes to your existing business? If so, you may need to apply for environmental permits issued by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEE).


Why does NDEE issue permits?

Nebraska has regulations designed to protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and safeguard the health of our citizens. Department staff determine the impact of your process on the environment and establish operating conditions that will ensure your process acts to sustain our environment.

Nebraska has regulations designed to protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and safeguard the health of our citizens. Department staff determine the impact of your process on the environment and establish operating conditions that will ensure your process acts to sustain our environment.

Where do I get a permit application?

The NDEE website provides permit applications and guidance for completion. The Department maintains a Directory of Environmental Consultants and Engineers that may be useful to those needing outside help in the permitting process.

What are some examples of permits I may need?

Before construction activities begin, you may need to apply for one or more of the following permits or approvals:

  • Landfill/Solid Waste Processing Facility
  • Air Quality Construction Permit
  • Livestock Waste Control Facility Construction Approval
  • Mineral Exploration Permit
  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Storm Water Permit
  • On-site Wastewater Treatment Construction Permit
  • Solid Waste Compost Site Permit
  • Underground Injection Control Permit
  • Wastewater Facility Construction Permit

Before discharging wastewater from your facility you may need to apply for one of the following permits:

  • Nebraska Pretreatment Permit
  • NPDES Industrial Storm Water Permit
  • On-site Wastewater Treatment Operating Permit
  • Water Quality NPDES Permit

After construction of your facility is complete, you may also need an air operating permit.

Where can I get help?

The One-Stop Permit Assistance Program was established to serve as a clearinghouse for information related to the Department’s various permitting processes and is there to assist you in answering your questions and concerns in a timely and comprehensive manner.

The program’s objective is to ensure that businesses and industry are aware of what permits they are required to apply for, what information they will need to provide in the permit application, and the permit process.


The One-Stop Program Coordinator acts as a single point of contact at NDEE for Nebraska businesses, brings together appropriate NDEE staff to address questions or concerns and ensure that inquiries about potential permits, regulatory processes and other issues receive a timely response.

Contact NDEE about the One Stop Permit Program at (402) 471-8697, or contact the program by e-mail at: sends email)

Do I need a permit? When should I apply?

Due to complex environmental regulations, businesses that are existing, expanding, or new are encouraged to contact the NDEE for help in determining what, if any, regulations you may need to comply with or permits you may need to apply for.

Some common examples of businesses that may require environmental permits include:

Automotive Repair & Maintenance ShopsLaboratories
Asphalt Paving PlantsLivestock Production
Auto RecyclingManufacturing Facilities
Dry CleaningPrinting
Fiberglass FabricationRock Crushing
Grain ElevatorsSand & Gravel Operations
IncineratorsSeptic Systems
Food ProcessingWater Treatment Plants

How long will it take to get my permit?

The time from submittal of your application to the issuance of the permit depends on the type of permit applied for, the complexity of your project, the completeness and accuracy of the submitted application, the number of applications ahead of yours, and possible issues that could arise from the 30- to 60-day public notice and comment periods.

You can keep the time required to obtain your permit to a minimum by contacting the NDEE early in your process.


What else should I know about?

In addition to obtaining permits, you may need to comply with regulations regarding the disposal of wastes; hazardous wastes; open burning; hazardous material storage; or other programs not administered by the NDEE such as the EPA Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements; risk management plans; Toxics Release Inventories; and regulations pertaining to refrigerants.

The NDEE One-Stop Permitting Assistance Program will get you to the right people and get your questions answered – all in one stop!

For assistance, call the Small Business and Public Assistance Program Coordinator at (402) 471-8697, or email sends email)