September 2023 Monthly Metrics
- NDEE received $10.8 million in the first round of funding through the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. These funds will be distributed through a competitive grant process for projects that strengthen and modernize the state’s power grid. NDEE expects to receive $5.4 million each year for three additional years for a total award of $27 million.
- With the end of the summer recreation season, NDEE finished its weekly sampling for harmful algal blooms at more than 50 high-use public lakes across the state on Sept. 29. Over the winter months, the Monitoring Program will evaluate beach sampling data to determine lakes to sample for the 2024 recreation season.
- Two public hearings are scheduled for the Nov. 17 Environmental Quality Council meeting: amendments to Title 117 – Nebraska Water Quality Standards, and the 2024 Litter Percent allocation. A public information session to discuss changes to Title 117 is scheduled for Oct. 24.
- Proposed revisions to Nebraska’s Regional Haze State Implementation Plan were put on public notice. NDEE will hold a public hearing to accept additional comments on Nov. 9, 2023.