May 2024 Monthly Metrics
- The agency is accepting applications for its Grid Resiliency Grant Program which funds projects that result in a more resilient electrical grid, improving the reliability of Nebraska's electrical grid and enhancing the system's ability to recover after disruptive events and attacks. The application period is open through June 21, 2024. Eligible projects will rebuild and restore infrastructure for transmission and distribution, protect existing equipment from weather-related events, support new adaptive protection technology, and provide recruitment and retention of energy technology workers.
- The agency and its partners have begun weekly sampling of 50 public lakes across Nebraska. This sampling will test for microcystin -- a toxin produced by harmful algal blooms (HABs), also known as toxic blue-green algae -- and E. coli bacteria. NDEE and DHHS issue health alerts for beaches when sample results for HABs are above 8 parts per billion and any lake put on alert for exceeding limits is posted on our website weekly. Testing runts from May through September.
- Nebraska's 2024 Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan is available for public comment in compliance with Federal regulation 40 CRF Part 58.10. The Network Plan describes the existing ambient air monitoring network in Nebraska and sets forth planned changes through June 2025. It also contains information on Nebraska's air quality. During the comment period, which ends on July 9, written comments regarding this Network Plan may be submitted to the agency.