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September 2022 Monthly Metrics

NDEE produces a monthly metrics report to measure what the agency has accomplished; to set annual and longer-term goals; and to examine these goals against accomplishments to ensure continuous process improvements.


  • NDEE crossed the $1 billion threshold for funds administered through the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund programs. The programs provide below market interest loans, grants, and loan forgiveness to eligible Nebraska communities to help support the development of critical drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.
  • The NPDES Compliance Section has continued its success in reducing the number of facilities that are in significant non-compliance. The EPA’s national goal is to reduce the number of SNC rate to 10.1%, and Nebraska is at 7%. The section will continue to provide outreach and assistance visits, as well as implement process improvement tools to continue fine tuning the SNC reduction process.


  • NDEE’s Monitoring Section gave Neumann Grove High School students a tour of the agency’s bio lab and provided guidance for the students who are conducting independent research on Shell Creek.


  • Water Well Standard team members attended Husker Harvest Days and analyzed 106 drinking water samples for nitrates at their booth.


  • The Drinking Water Monitoring and Compliance Section is pilot testing the new Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS), parallel to using the current SDWIS system to help identify issues with the new version. SDWIS is the state, federal and Tribal information exchange system for drinking water.
  • Members of NDEE’s air permitting and compliance teams will participate in a webinar hosted by the Midwest Environmental Compliance Conference in late October. Team members will present on recent changes to Title 129 as well as overviews on the permitting processes, compliance tips and assistance visits.