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September 2021 Metrics Report

NDEE produces a monthly metrics report to measure what the agency has accomplished; to set annual and longer-term goals; and to examine these goals against accomplishments to ensure continuous process improvements.


  • Clean Diesel Rebate applications are being accepted through Jan. 13, 2022. This program provides funds to replace old diesel engines in school buses, diesel refuse trucks, and irrigation pumps with new engines or electric motors that emit fewer emissions.
  • NDEE Director Jim Macy signed a Satisfaction order closing out the Consent order issued in April 2021 for B-Rose Tire Recycling, LLC and LAL Enterprises, LLC. These facilities are now back in compliance with NDEE regulatory requirements by reducing the number of passenger tire equivalents on site to less than 160,000.
  • NDEE finished its lake monitoring season, in which it samples public beaches for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and E. coli. The monitoring section is reviewing Sandhills stream data to diagnose possible reasons for Calamus Reservoir’s persistent HABs during the 2021 season.
  • The Inspection and Compliance Division is transitioning team members from desk phones to cell phones. The phones’ cameras can be used during inspections, and the phones can be used to review regulations and guidance documents while out in the field. Overall, this change has made the team more efficient.

Emerging Risks/Issues:

  • The Superfund/VCP program sampled private wells in North Platte for PFAS, VOCs, and hexavalent chromium. Three wells had PFAS levels above the health advisory level, one of which was a drinking water well.


  • The Environmental Quality Council is convening Nov. 15 for new member orientation and Nov. 16 for its regular meeting. Agenda items for the meeting include resolutions to increase bonding authority for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, 2022 Litter Percent Allocations, and amendments to the 2022 Intended Use Plan and amendments to Title 124.