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September 2018 Metrics Report

Emerging Risks / Issues:

  • NDEQ Land Management staff met with Dr. Dennis Hughes and Chelsea Kramer, Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) regarding the outbreak of African Swine Fever in China, and the potential consequences for Nebraska should the virus come state-side. Discussions between NDEQ and NDA are on-going.
  • NDEQ Air Quality staff are evaluating the potential impact of the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, which is EPA’s proposed replacement for the Clean Power Plan (CPP).


  • NDEQ fiscal and records management staff implemented an electronic invoicing process, which reduces the routing time and minimizes the chance of invoices being lost. To date, 84% of agency invoices have been routed and approved using this process.

Misc. Items of Note:

  • NDEQ staff attended two public hearings regarding a proposed poultry operation in Lancaster County, which will supply Lincoln Poultry with chickens for Costco. Hearings were held before the Lancaster County Planning Commission and the County Board, and Department staff were present to explain applicable regulatory requirements.
  • NDEQ participated in the Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel meeting, offering presentations on grants, regulatory updates, and the new Permit Matrix. Panel members were enthusiastic with the Matrix demonstration. A follow-up meeting with Panel members is scheduled for December to explore how to make using the Permit Matrix more intuitive.