October 2023 Monthly Metrics
- NDEE held its kickoff webinar on the Climate Pollution Reduction Planning Program on Oct. 17. The webinar provided an overview of the program and NDEE proposed potential greenhouse gas reduction measures that could be implemented in Nebraska. These proposals are intended as a starting point for public discussion as NDEE solicits participation from a variety of stakeholders in creating its climate action plans.
- NDEE held an information session on proposed changes to Title 117 - Nebraska Water Quality Standards on Oct. 24. These revisions are currently on public notice and will be formally proposed at the Environmental Quality Council’s Nov. 17 meeting in Lincoln.
- NDEE was named a 2023 Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador of Excellence. The agency was nominated by the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for its work in educating and alerting the public to air quality issues related to smoke caused by prescribed fires and wildfires.
- NDEE’s Energy Team submitted its Solar for All competitive grant application to the EPA on Oct. 12. The EPA will award up to 60 grants to states, tribes, municipalities and nonprofits to expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities to access solar energy.
- NDEE’s Records Management section has signed a contract with JustFOIA to create an online portal to track the agency’s Freedom of Information Act requests.
- NDEE submitted the state comment letter on the proposed new federal CWA Section 404(g) rule on assumption on Oct. 13.