October 2022 Monthly Metrics
- The Air Permitting team held two public hearings for OPPD projects – Standing Bear Lake Station’s hearing was held Oct. 4 and the Turtle Creek hearing was held Oct. 13.
- During Energy Awareness Month, NDEE launched a social media campaign highlighting energy saving tips and the department’s work with Nebraska’s Community Action Partnerships.
- The Petroleum Remediation Section held consultants’ days in Lincoln and Ogallala. The department held presentations on electronic submittals, Title 178, underground injection control and permits and compliance.
- NDEE held a public hearing on General Permit NEG023000 for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Sept. 29. The Department will respond to written comments and testimony once it receives the transcript from the hearing.
- Amendments to Title 118 and Title 119 were adopted by the Environmental Quality Council Nov. 10. Title 118 is Groundwater Quality Standards and Use Classification, and Title 119 is Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Issuance of Permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
- The EPA is expected to propose changes to the following rules within the next three years: Lead and Copper, per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS), microbial disinfection byproducts, and consumer confidence report. If final rules are approved, the Drinking Water Division will need to update regulations to implement the new rules in Nebraska.