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November 2021 Metrics Report

NDEE produces a monthly metrics report to measure what the agency has accomplished; to set annual and longer-term goals; and to examine these goals against accomplishments to ensure continuous process improvements.


  • The Environmental Quality Council met Nov. 16 and approved proposed amendments to Title 124 – Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of On-site Wastewater Treatment systems; approved two resolutions to increase borrowing authority for both the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds; approved the 2022 Litter Percent Allocation; and approved an amendment to the SRF Intended Use Plan.
  • The State Revolving Section completed a Kaizen improvement process to streamline loans by eliminating numerous steps and drafting a new process map. The section is implementing the process through a pilot program for two communities.
  • The NPDES Permitting program has 25 permits on public notice that had been backlogged. The team was able to move forward on these permits because it filled empty permit writer positions, developed permit templates and SOPs, attended permit writer training courses, and implemented a KanBoard to track projects.
  • The NPDES Construction Storm Water general permit was issued Dec. 1, 2021, after being extended beyond the Oct. 31 expiration date. There are 1,700 active CSW permits and the application process is now online.

Emerging Risks/Issues

  • NDEE has begun renewing 2,800 Public Water Operator licenses which includes verifying Continuing Education hours. The vast majority of PWO licenses expire at the end of odd numbered years.


  • On Dec. 7, NDEE will hold an initial public outreach event on the Proposed Changes to Title 119 Nebraska Rules and Regulations Pertaining to The Issuance of Permits under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.