March 2024 Monthly Metrics
- NDEE submitted both the preliminary and primary applications of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in March. The Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) submitted March 1, laid out the potential programs Nebraska could apply for that would reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the state. On March 29, the CPRG Implementation Grant was submitted highlighting eight GHG reduction programs we would like the EPA to fund. Those programs are in the areas of agriculture, waste management, solar projects, and energy efficiency.
- On March 1, NDEE concluded its free nitrate test kit period which provided free testing of nitrate levels for drinking wells throughout the state free-of-charge. NDEE also issued press releases and social media efforts to encourage the return of those test kits we delivered. Any drinking well that tests over the maximum contamination level receives follow up communication regarding NDEE's Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program.
- NDEE opened the application period for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) in mid-March. The department was awarded $1.779 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support local communities in implementing high-impact, self-sustaining clean energy projects. Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2024.